This list is HIGHLYnon-exhaustive, and covers only worlds which the average spacefarer will know of.
The homeworld of the Terran people. A diverse world, it is sometimes inhospitable to other sapients, due to having experienced a thermonuclear apocalypse three hundred years ago. Known today as a temperate and cool world, thanks to a terraforming process completed about 50 years ago.
Nobody's quite sure if the Terrans are serious when they say Mars used to be red. The capital of the Space Commune, it is today a highly diplomatic world, despite being rural. Mars is cold, and certain quirks of it's orbit mean the terraformation process created a highly unique ecosystem.
The first extrasolar colony of the Commune. Located in the Alpha Centauri star system.
Named after the first Terran explorer ship to make landfall, a Torch-class Explorer called the EC Meredith. The ship's hull now serves as a musuem in a small town called Meredithia.
Port Meredith is a rural world, with a few large cities and a multitude of smaller towns.
A notable settlement is Bayard City. Known for it's diverse architecture and large Elven community.
A very urban world, New Uruk is a purpose-built planet of cities and industry. The name comes from one of Old Earth's archaeological sites- an early example of Terran urbanisation.
A fortress world garrisoning the Matarenese border. Extremely cold.